Rabu, 15 April 2015



1.       These are vowels that often get lost:

2.       The sound “f” can be spelt:
f = Frog, fever
ff = Giraffe
gh = Laugh, enough, caugh
ph = Pheasant

3.       The sound “g” can be spelt: Goat, Egg, Ghost, Guitar

4.       The sound “j” can be spelt: Fudge, Giant, Joke, age, education, normal range, large, soldiers, neurological, injury,

5.       The sound “k’ can be spelt:
C = Cat
Cc = Accordion, percussion
Ch = Echo
Ck = Duck
K = King
Qu = Bouquet
Que = Cheque

6.       The sound ‘s’ can be spelt:
Ce = procedure
Sc = scent
Ss = hiss
S = snake, skin
Cy = privacy
Z = size
St = listen
X = examination, anxiety

7.       The sound “sh” can be spelt:
Ch = machine
Ci = special
S = sugar
Sh = shampoo, rash, shiny skin, shape
Si = pension
Ssi = mission
Ss = blood pressure
Ti = nation, patient, inspection, orientation, palpation, emotional, intervention, auscultation, respiration, infection,

B = after ‘m’
lamb, bomb, thumb, comb
B = after ‘t’
Debt, subtle

E = ent of the word
Hate, Safe, bone,

G = before n
Gnat, gnome, vital signs, alignment,

GH = end of the word
Weigh, Though, high,
GH = before t
Bright, daughter

H = beginning of the word
Honest, hour,
H = after ‘r’
Rhubarb, rhyme, rhinoceros,
H = After W
Whip, whisky
H = After P

K = before ‘n’
Knot, knee, knife
Other example: ask,

L = half, calm, talk

N = after m
Autumn, solemn, hymn, condemn

P = before ‘s’ or ‘t’
Pneumonia, Psychology, Pterodactyl, Psalm, Pneumatic
Other example: empty, dyspnoa,

R = at the end of the words
Far, teacher, father, color,

S = island, aisle

T = after ‘s’
Whistle, castle, listen, rustle
T = before ‘ch’
Watch, fetch, itch

W = before ‘r’
Wrong, write
Sometimea before ‘h’
Who, white,

Practice other words pronunciations; health, complaint, tongue, moisture, muscle, joint, adult, difficult, busy, because, thing, think, minute, second, appearance, symmetrical,

1.       Well, Mr.... I need to collect your personal data. I’am going to ask you some questions.
What is your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What is your occupation?
2.       I want to check your vital signs, Sir.
3.       Do you have any health insurance?
4.       Is it hurt?
5.       Do you have a doctor’s referral?
6.       What do you feel?
7.       When did you first notice your pain?
8.       What is your pain like? Sharp, dull, stabbing or arching?
9.       Your blood pressure is ....
10.   Your temperature is ....
11.   I want to observe your head.
12.   Please close your eyes
13.   I am going to press .... If you fell painfull, please talk to me
14.   Would you show your teeth?
15.   Open your mouth, please?
16.   What happened to me, doctor?
17.   Where is the emergency room?
18.   Let me check your ......
19.   Is that better?
20.   I think I might have a fever.
21.   How long have you been having the pain?
22.   I have been having some pain in my ....
23.   Could you roll up your left sleeve?

24.   Do you exercise regularly?

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